Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Japan Housing Trust Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") feels that it has a serious duty to properly handle and protect the personal information of its customers and others in its custody. In recognition of this, our company stipulates personal information protection policies as below, and adheres to such related laws and regulations, etc. including the Law & Regulation Concerning the Protection of Personal Information.

1. Proper Acquisition, Use, Provision, and Consignment of Personal Information

When acquiring personal information, our company makes clear its purpose of use to the person to which the personal information belongs, and acquires it upon obtaining the person's permission. Our company uses the acquired personal information only within the scope of its original purpose of use, properly handles it, and takes measures so that the personal information is not used in manners outside the purpose of use.
Our company does not provide personal information it has acquired to a third party excluding cases in which permission by the person to which the personal information belongs is obtained or cases in which it is requested by parties such as judicial institutions in compliance with law in order to complete legal duties. In instances where the handling of personal information is consigned, a party with sufficient standards regarding protection of privacy is chosen, and properly handles the personal information in accordance with the personal information protection guidelines stipulated by contract, etc.

2. Safe Management Measures Regarding Personal Information

Together with taking preventative measures regarding such things as unfair access to personal information and the loss, damage, or leakage of personal information, our company takes immediate remedial action should an accident or such other event occur.
Our company stipulates concrete rules regarding proper handling and application of personal information, and as our company designates the person(s) in charge of personal information management, our company thoroughly educates its own executives and employees on such matters.

3. Obeyance of Laws and Regulations and Criteria Relating to Personal Information

Regarding the handling of personal information, our company abides by related laws and regulations including the Law & Regulation Concerning the Protection of Personal Information, guidelines established by the nation, and other criteria.

4. Continued Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System and Method

In order to properly maintain the protection of personal information, our company continuously improves its own company rules and methods of application, etc.

5. Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Regarding its acquired personal information, our company responds appropriately and promptly to complaints and to cases where the person to which the personal information belongs requests the personal information's disclosure, revision, or deletion.

Naoya Shibata
President of Japan Housing Trust Co., Ltd.

<Inquiries Regarding Personal Information>

Please refer to the contact information below for questions regarding personal information, complaints, and disclosure of personal information our company has in its possession, or for requests for revision or deletion of personal information content, suspension of its use, its elimination, etc.

Japan Housing Trust Co., Ltd.
Tel: +81-50-3559-1554 (Reception hours: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)
Fax: +81-50-3737-4114